There are more numerous development seen in the growth of online multiplay and the expansion of services like PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE, it’s like the online the video games have entered into a next level of multiplaying with the new multiplayer feature being added in different games.
There are some new information being spread about the upcoming Call Of Duty franchise, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 4.
The question on every gamers’ mind, on how does this upcoming multiplayer portion of this particular forth coming franchise in Call Of Duty going to look like, as the technology demos released two days ago.
To wrap-up the news, YouTube user Matroix had tried to cover up some of the information about the multiplayer feature of the upcoming Call Of Duty franchise, Call Of Duty. He believes that the source information to be accurate and exclaims that, “It’s very exciting news, indeed.”
“Slide” is what he expects to be the new feature added to to upcoming game along with the Call of Duty’s “Dolphin Dive,” where the player had give the odd job of jumping forward into a prone position while sprinting. The only difference between the Dolphin Dive from the new Slide feature is that the player can slide on their knees rather than with their stomach, and could shoot mid-slide.
He thinks the other movement-based ability that will be added in the next game is an addition to the “prone” position that gamers have come to know so well. With this new movement, players have the option to roll from side to side while they are in the prone position. This would come as a welcome change to gameplay, as right now gamers have to stand up, turn around and run if they are found to be at a disadvantage.
The final feature that he expects is that the ability to lean out from a cover has been only spotted on the PC version of Call of Duty since the first Modern Warfare game. For some reason, it’s been left out from the console versions. This simple movement will now be available to the consoles from the next Call Of Duty game, says Matroix’s source.


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