Windows 8.1 stable activator

Hello guys well i know that the windows 8 and the successor . I have been released a long back.. & the activators have also been released.

But I was not feeling good to post some crack or hacking activator for a leading  operating system even before their next release.

But i had no job today so i'm giving away this information to you all.

The kms activator here can activate all your microsoft packages including product, office etc.

Here's the link

So this is the UI of the file you will be downloading.
All the instructions are pretty straight forward.

First you guys will have to install KM-Service
Type in I and hit enter.

Then depending upon what you are gonna activate, type in the number in the windows and hit enter.

Sit back and relax for a while and your work is done.

And don't forget to restart your computer.

And guys from the next post i'm gonna start a new youtube channel for the blog.

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